This psalm so resonates with my heart today.
“Fret not,” the Father whispers
Though the wicked prosper.
Do not envy wealth or power
It will only last an hour.
All these wicked men will pass
And die as surely as the grass.
Trust the LORD and do His will
Your every need He will fulfill.
Delight in Him and His good pleasure
And He will bless you beyond measure.
Trust in God to be your guide
Your every need He will provide.
He will make your goodness shine
Before the world in His good time.
Rest in the LORD and patiently wait
Though the wicked now are having their way.
Don’t let anger fill your soul.
Don’t let evil take control.
Wicked men will meet their end
And righteous men will soon ascend.
For only a while the wicked will reign.
But his end will result in torment and pain.
The meek will one day inherit the earth
With abundance of peace and a life of great worth.
Plotting and scheming to hurt righteous men.
Wicked men rage, engulfed in their sin.
Watching from heaven, Almighty God laughs
As He looks ahead to the day of His wrath.
Evil men are determined to use every weapon
To kill and oppress with intent and aggression.
Their evil acts of sin and corruption
Will one day cause their own destruction.
Much better now to be righteous and poor
Than be wicked with riches and treasures galore.
The power of the wicked will soon be crushed
And the LORD will uphold all the righteous and just.
The LORD knows the days of the honest and faithful
Their future inheritance sure and eternal.
In evil times the LORD will provide.
In times of want He will satisfy.
All of God’s enemies will be consumed
In smoke they will meet their eternal doom.
The wicked borrow and never repay.
The righteous show mercy by giving away.
The blessed of the LORD will inherit the earth.
Those who reject Him are forever cursed.
The LORD makes the path of His child secure.
He delights to make their way firm and sure.
Though His child stumbles, He’ll give him a hand
Lifting him up and helping him stand.
Throughout their lives in need or grief
The LORD is there to bring relief.
Filled with mercy, generous to lend,
Blessings to his seed descend.
Depart from evil; do what is right.
Forever dwell in God’s blessed light.
The LORD preserves His saints forever
But the seed of the wicked will soon be severed.
The righteous shall inherit the land
Forever to dwell, safe in God’s great hand.
Wisdom proceeds from the mouth of the righteous.
His talk is filled with honor and justice.
With God’s law in his heart to lead and guide
None of his steps will wander or slide.
Evil men are determined the righteous to slay
But the LORD will protect him and have final say.
Wait on the LORD and obey His will.
Reward will be yours when evil is nil.
Though I have seen wicked men prosper and spread
Their future is certain—they all end up dead.
Moral men also will pass into death
But theirs is a future of peace and great rest.
Transgressors and sinners together will meet
Eternal destruction—complete defeat.
God will deliver the upright and just
Providing them strength when evil erupts.
The LORD will surround them and keep them secure.
Because of their faith, their salvation is sure.
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