Monday, May 9, 2011


I woke up recently with thoughts of a poem and the following composition based on Matthew 24 was the result.

False Christs that deceive
Causing men to believe.
The horrors of war
Killing men by the score.
Though frightening to see
These are things that must be.
Neither trouble nor fret
For the end is not yet.

Plague and disease will continue to spread.
Hunger and earthquakes will cause men to dread.
These are just the beginning of birth pains that bring
More sorrow and pain than the world’s ever seen.
Those who love Jesus will face the world’s haters
And friends and family will prove to be traitors.

False prophets will gain
As they rise to fame.
Those who sin will be bold
As their love waxes cold.
Keep a faith strong and sure
And your future’s secure.

The gospel to all of the world will be told.
The end will then come as foretold long ago.
Mankind will suffer a great tribulation
But God will prevent his complete decimation.
Then Jesus will come with great glory and power
To reign as earth's King in man’s finest hour.
So stay strong in your faith, on the scriptures rely.
We’re going home soon, our redemption is nigh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an inspired poem! I hope it makes those who read it really contemplate it's message. Thank you, Sharon.