Tuesday, December 13, 2022



Man was hopeless, lost in sin;

But then the love of God stepped in.

He sent His Son, a tiny babe,

To conquer sin and make a way.

From babe to child to perfect man

Fulfilling God’s eternal plan.

He made the choice to give His life

Become the Father’s sacrifice.

He healed the sick and raised the dead;

Yet on the cross His blood was shed.

He shared the truth, God’s will proclaimed;

Yet at His death was mocked and shamed.

The thief cried out, “Remember me.”

Christ said, “Today, with me you’ll be.”

“It is finished” was His cry, 

And giving up the ghost He died.

For three days in the tomb He lay,

Then rose victorious from the grave.

The gift of life is ours to take

If we but turn to Him in faith.

So joyfully celebrate His birth,

His willingness to live on earth.

To pay the price that we might be

With Him throughout eternity!

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