These summaries are a result of my studies in the scripture. Detailed explanations including biblical support for my views can be found in my journal on Revelation at
Revelation 1
An introduction to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in His glory and His instruction to John to inform the churches of what he has seen and what the future will hold.
Revelation 2
Letters to the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos and Thyatira.
- Ephesus is the church that left its first love.
- Smyrna is the church that is poor in the eyes of men but rich in the eyes of God.
- Pergamos is the church in the very midst of Satan’s stronghold, where false doctrine prevails.
- Thyatira is the church that has no discernment and allows a false prophetess to teach the doctrines of Satan to its members.
Revelation 3
Letters to the churches at Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
- Sardis is the church that appears to be thriving but is spiritually dead.
- Philadelphia is the church that is committed to God and the truth of His word—but it has “little strength.”
- Laodicea is the lukewarm church that basically has no influence at all on the world around it. It thinks it is rich, but it is spiritually bankrupt.
Revelation 4
This chapter provides a foundation of understanding by allowing John to witness events that set the stage for the last days as revealed in the rest of the book. The last days began after the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. John is taken to heaven and sees the God the Father on His throne surrounded by myriads of angels. A special group of 24 elders are seated around the throne; I often refer to them as the heavenly Supreme Court; Daniel refers to them as watchers. Notice that Jesus (who was seated at the right hand of the Father when He returned to heaven) is not part of the picture.
Revelation 5
God the Father is holding a seven-sealed book that basically represents the authority to exact His vengeance, destroy Satan and establish His kingdom on planet earth. At first, no one is found that is worthy to open the book. Suddenly, “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David….a Lamb as it had been slain” appears and takes the book. This is obviously a picture of the Lord Jesus returning to heaven victorious over the grave. A great worship service breaks out in heaven.
Revelation 6
The first six seals of the book are opened. Note how the first four correspond to the birth pains described in Matthew 24. I believe these seals are already open and these forces of evil are already at work. Reminder—their impact will be like birth pains, increasing in frequency and intensity as the time for Jesus’ return approaches.
- I believe the opening of the first seal represents Satan going forth as an angel of light to deceive the nations through false teaching. He will eventually attain worldwide dominance in the person of the Antichrist.
- The opening of the second seal releases an evil spiritual power with the purpose of provoking war and violence on planet earth.
- The opening of the third seal releases an evil spiritual power with the purpose of destroying the world’s economy and food supply.
- The opening of the fourth seal releases evil spiritual forces that are set on killing the people on earth by means of sword, hunger, death (a broad category) and “beasts of the earth.”
- I believe the opening of the fifth seal is a picture of all the martyrs of the church age that are waiting for Jesus to exact vengeance for their deaths.
- The opening of the sixth seal is declared to be “the wrath of the Lamb.”
Revelation 7
Since the word of God declares that the church will not suffer God’s wrath, it has been removed from the scene. God never leaves Himself without a witness, so He selects 144,000 Jewish witnesses, sealing them with a protective mark in their foreheads. Next, we see a great multitude of people from every nation, people, and language standing before the LORD on His throne and worshipping Him. I believe this is a picture of the raptured body of believers in heaven.
Revelation 8
The seventh seal is opened and the first four trumpet judgments are announced.
- The seventh seal results in silence in heaven for a half hour followed by an angel throwing a censer to earth that causes the people on earth to hear voices and experience thunderings, lightnings and an earthquake.
- The blowing of the first trumpet causes great hailstones and fire from heaven to burn and destroy a third of the trees and all green grass on planet earth.
- The blowing of the second trumpet causes a great mountain burning with fire to fall into the sea, turning a third of it into blood.
- The blowing of the third trumpet causes a great burning star to fall from heaven that poisons a third of the rivers and fresh water sources.
- The blowing of the fourth trumpet causes a third of the sun, moon and stars to go dark.
Then an angel flies through the heavens loudly pronouncing a woe on the people of earth because of the coming three judgments.
Revelation 9
The next two trumpet judgments, the first two woes, are revealed.
- The first woe, the blowing of the fifth trumpet, reveals a spiritual being falling from heaven and releasing a great swarm of evil spiritual “locusts” that are given the power to sting the people on earth that do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. Men will desire to die, but “death shall flee from them.”
- The second woe, the blowing of the sixth trumpet, releases four angels that have been bound at the Euphrates River until this specific point in time. They gather an army of 2,000,000 that go out and kill “a third part of man.” Still, men refuse to repent of their evil doings.
Revelation 10
In this chapter, a mighty angel (that I believe is Jesus) appears and gives John a book to eat that contains the message he is to give to the people on earth.
Revelation 11
We are introduced to the two witnesses that will prophesy for the first 1260 days (3.5 years) of the last seven years (the 70th week of Daniel) before Jesus returns to establish His kingdom. No one will be able to harm them during this time, and anyone that tries will be killed with fire from their mouths. At the end of their ministry, they will be killed and their dead bodies allowed to lie in the street in Jerusalem for 3.5 days. People on earth will celebrate their death. After 3.5 days, they will arise from the dead and ascend to heaven, causing a great earthquake that destroys a tenth of the city and kills 7,000 men. This actually marks the end of the judgment of the second woe.
The third woe, the blowing of the seventh trumpet, reveals the temple of God in heaven being opened, noting that the ark of the covenant is there. Once again those on planet earth experience lightnings, voices, thunderings, an earthquake and great hail.
Revelation 12
This chapter provides foundational information for understanding what follows. The nation of Israel is pictured giving birth to Jesus the Messiah. Satan (pictured as a dragon) was ready to destroy the child, but God the Father saves Him. We are told that a third of the angels of heaven followed Satan in his rebellion. Many of the Jewish people flee into the wilderness to a place prepared by God and are provided for and protected by God for the last 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week. Michael and his angels throw Satan and his angels out of heaven once and for all; no longer can they accuse believers before God. Satan is so angry that he begins to exact his wrath on the rest of the Jews that keep God’s commandments.
Revelation 13
We are introduced to the Antichrist, the beast from the sea, that is empowered (and I believe indwelt) by the dragon (Satan). He is dealt a death blow from which he is miraculously healed, inspiring people to worship him. He will be allowed to rule for 3.5 years. We are also introduced to “another beast coming up out of the earth,” the false prophet. He is empowered to do miracles in the presence of the Antichrist. He encourages the making of an image of the beast, making a law that those who do not worship the image must be put to death. He is also responsible for establishing the system that prevents anyone from buying or selling unless they have the mark of the beast (666) on their right hand or forehead.
Revelation 14
This chapter pictures the 144,000 witnesses with the LORD Jesus, the firstfruits of the Jews that come to know Jesus as their Savior during the tribulation period. An angel flying in the heavens declares the everlasting gospel to every person on earth. A second angel follows him announcing the destruction of Babylon. A third angel follows loudly warning that anyone who worships the beast and receives his mark will suffer fiery torment forever. A picture is given describing the final harvest that removes the wicked from the earth.
Revelation 15
Seven angels emerge, carrying the seven last plagues that mark the fullness of God’s wrath. We also are given a picture of the victorious martyrs that suffered to the point of death for refusing to worship the beast or take his mark. The seven angels are given vials full of the wrath of God to mix with the plagues.
Revelation 16
The seven vials of God’s wrath are poured out on planet earth.
- First vial - Sores appear on those that have received the mark of the beast.
- Second vial - The sea turns to blood, killing every living soul in the sea.
- Third vial - Fresh water sources turn to blood.
- Fourth vial - The sun scorches men with fire.
- Fifth vial - The kingdom of the beast turns dark.
- Sixth vial - The Euphrates river is dried up and the spirits of devils go to world leaders, convincing them to gather at Armageddon for war against God.
- Seventh vial - Again there are voices, thunders, lightning and the greatest earthquake ever since men were on earth. Islands disappear, mountains are formed, and monstrous hailstones fall from heaven.
Revelation 17-18
The source of false religion is destroyed at the great city from which it originated—Babylon—avenging the blood of prophets, saints and all that suffered death for their faith in the LORD.
Revelation 19
Heaven rejoices over the destruction of Babylon. Jesus returns to destroy the armies of Satan/Antichrist and establish Himself as KING OF KINGS. The Antichrist and the False Prophet are thrown into hell.
Revelation 20
Satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years. The saints will rule with Jesus during that time. After the thousand years, Satan is released and amazingly is able to gather a HUGE army; it is destroyed by fire from God out of heaven. The LORD judges all that refused to accept His gift of salvation and condemns them to hell; this is known as the Great White Throne Judgment.
Revelation 21
God creates a new heaven and new earth, and the new Jerusalem, the home of the bride of Christ, descends from heaven. The new Jerusalem is described—shining with the glory of God, having twelve gates and twelve foundations, measuring 15,000 miles in length, breadth and height. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life are allowed to enter.
Revelations 22
We are told that a river of the water of life flows from the throne of God and the Lamb (Jesus). On each side of the river grows the tree of life, baring twelve kinds of fruits. God’s glory provides sufficient light, negating a need for the sun. Jesus, the son of David, appears and identifies Himself as “the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” He warns against tampering with the prophecy recorded by John. Most important of all—He declares He’s coming quickly! “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
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