Saturday, March 26, 2016


Jesus came; His purpose set
To die upon the cross.
To pay the debt of sin I owed
Despite to Him the cost.

He came to do the Fathers will
Defeating death and sin.
Giving me a precious gift
A new life to begin.

He took my sin and made me pure.
He took my fear, made me secure.

He took my heart His home to be.
He took my pride to humble me.

He took my anger, gave me peace.
He took my past and gave release.

He took my will to make it new.
He took my life—His now to use.

He gave me faith and hope and love
A future home in heaven above.

He gave compassion, mercy, grace
Abundant joy—all mine to take. 

So when I think about the cross
And the Savior's sacrifice.
My heart is filled with wonder and awe
He was willing to pay the price.

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