America the beautiful
Once the sweet refrain
A time when God was honored
Before this age of shame
A time we treasured freedom
All across the land
That many fought and died for
To keep our nation grand
Our country was a beacon
Of liberty and law
A place to fulfill dreams
A place of hope for all
The beacon light is fading
We’ve turned our backs on God
Rejecting His great truth
As on His name we’ve trod
No longer do we honor
The sanctity of life
Our leaders stoke the fires
Promoting racial strife
Common sense has vanished
Morality despised
Everyone is doing
What is right in their own eyes
It’s like the days of Noah
Evil powers are in control
But there’s still a faithful remnant
Fighting hard for people’s souls
My heart is grieved and saddened
At my nation’s fall from grace
But scripture’s very clear that
In end times we have no place
The whole world now is reeling
Convulsing with the pains
That signify His soon return
As King of kings to reign
Keep looking up dear child of God
It’s clear He’s coming soon
To take His family home to heaven
Before earth meets her doom