“The Great Reset” is a term one hears a lot in the news lately. It is a term being used by those who promote global governance, in times past referred to as the “New World Order.” The scripture actually tells us a lot about such a time that will occur before the LORD Jesus returns to earth to establish His kingdom. I personally believe we are witnessing the foundations being laid for that time.
So many of the signs foretold in scripture are converging at such a rapid rate that I believe such a “reset” will happen soon. It seems obvious to me that President Trump and others of his nationalist mindset have served to impede the implementation of this “reset.” But it can’t be forestalled forever. Scripture clearly teaches that it is the LORD that sets up and takes down kings and kingdoms in accordance with His will.
Daniel 2:20–21 “Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His: And He changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings….”
Based on that truth, I believe that God will see to it that rulers, be they presidents, kings, prime ministers, etc., who are crucial to the unfolding of His plan will assume those positions in accordance with His will and His timing.
According to scripture, this worldwide “reset” will occur during the last seven years before Jesus returns as King of kings. Scripture informs us that the time allotted to the rule of the satanic leader of this worldwide government is 3.5 years, though he will be rising to prominence and influence prior to that time. In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul tells us that this person will not be made known until the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is taken away. That influence is now present in the world in the person of every Christian that makes up the true church, those that have placed their faith in Jesus as their LORD and Savior. When Jesus comes to take those believers home to heaven, the restraining power of the Holy Spirit will no longer be present.
When the church has been removed, the spiritual forces of evil will be allowed to have their greatest influence ever since the days of Noah. Though we cannot identify a specific time in which these events will occur, we can see the signs all around us that identify the season. I’m going to close by republishing a poem the LORD gave me a couple of years ago. I pray it will encourage the hearts of believers as we look forward to going home. I pray it will cause others to think about the truth that is presented in God’s word. The only reason God has not taken us home yet is because of His longsuffering, his mercy; He doesn’t want anyone to perish, to suffer the torment of hell. Is He waiting on you?
2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
Do you not see
The signs of the times
Foretold by the prophets of old?
Distress among nations
Moral decay
A focus on pleasures and gold.
Sin is abounding
Consciences seared
God’s word is no longer revered.
His truth is rejected
Wrong declared right
Accepted by many and cheered.
Deception is rampant
Blasphemy common
Those that are good are despised.
Natural affections
Are being rejected
We’re urged to support gay pride.
The family unit
Is being destroyed
Marriage has been redefined.
Boys are girls
Girls are boys
Gender a choice of the mind.
Advances in science
Are crossing the bounds
Established by God at creation.
Experiments done
They quickly explain
For man’s good as their justification.
Satellites, lasers
Computers and chips
The powers that be want control.
Agendas prepared
Alliances formed
As Satan’s influence grows.
Most important
Of all the signs
Declared to be part of God’s plan.
Descendants of Abraham
Isaac and Jacob
Are living once more in their land.
The prophet Ezekiel
Predicted the rise
Of dusty dry bones from the earth.
The nation of Israel
A home for the Jews
In one day declared its rebirth.
Life is no different
Than in Noah’s day
He preached and warned in vain.
Mocking and laughing
They called him a fool
Til one day the flood waters came.
One day soon
Millions will vanish
Taken by God to heaven.
Perilous times
Will then ensue
Full of terror, pain and oppression.
Many still try
But it can’t be denied
God’s word is faithful and true.
Turn from your sin
Be born again
Experience a life that is new.
Jesus died
Upon the cross
He suffered for your salvation.
The choice you make
To receive Him or not
Will determine your soul’s destination.
Do you not see
The signs of the times
Foretold by the prophets of old?
Don’t put it off
Accept Jesus today
Become safe and secure in His hold.